Marketing Guide

The following is an overview of the marketing process for our select Self Publishing plans. Please note, any sale generated by Wasteland Press is paid to you as royalties every quarter as defined in your self-publishing plan.

Review Copies (Ultimate Plan only)

In order to guarantee as much exposure as possible for your book, Wasteland Press will send out 2 review copies (The Ultimate Plan) to various newspapers, magazines, and online reviewers. Additionally, Wasteland Press will create a customized press release about your book to be distributed to more than 1,000 media outlets. This is a great opportunity for you to provide interviews about your book. Wasteland Press will also send out review copies for any media outlet that expresses interest in doing a story about your book.


Wasteland Press will distribute your book to various booksellers around the United States and around the world through Ingram Book Group and Amazon, Inc.,, etc.

Wasteland Press will also provide paperback copies to,, and many other online booksellers. As an added benefit, Wasteland Press will also include your cover art as an additional incentive for buyers to purchase your books from these booksellers.

Bookseller Return Program

With our Ultimate Plan, Wasteland Press offers a full returns program for booksellers through Ingram Distribution! Most bookstores will not carry your book unless it is fully returnable. So, we have taken this obstacle out of your way by making any book you publish under the Ultimate Plan fully returnable for an entire year at no extra charge! Kindle eBook set-up & distribution

We setup your book for Kindle’s eBook program. Wasteland Press ensures that your book is presented in a manner similar to your printed copy. We will also submit your eBook for distribution, which will make it available to purchase and view using Kindle reader, computers, and mobile smart phone devices. This service is included in the price of all our publishing plans!

Barnes and Noble Nook eBook set-up & distribution

We setup your book for Barnes and Noble’s Nook eBook. Wasteland Press ensures that your book is presented in a manner similar to your printed copy. We will also submit your eBook for distribution, which will make it available to purchase and view using Nook reader, computers, and mobile smart phone devices. This service is available for an additional $50.00 along with your publishing plan.

Amazon A+ Content

Wasteland Press can add images, text, and tables to your product detail page on Amazon to engage readers and give more information as they consider buying your book. This service is available for an additional $150.00 along with your publishing plan.

Search Inside The Book Program

Wasteland Press will submit electronic files of your book to be viewed on’s Search Inside The Book Program. This service is available for an additional $50.00 along with your publishing plan.

Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN)

Wasteland Press will request and assign a Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) and mail complimentary copies of your book for the Library’s stacks. This service is available for an additional $50.00 along with your publishing plan.

Business Cards

Business cards are the best way for you to promote your books. Hand them out at speaking engagements and book signings/events, and include them in press kits you mail to the media. Our business cards are available in quantities of 1000 ($125.00) cards. All business cards are full color with UV Gloss coating and customized to your liking.


Postcards are important for previously published authors and authors who have sizeable mailing lists. You can hand them out at speaking engagements and book signings/events, and include them in press kits for the media. Our postcards are available in quantities of 500 ($200.00) cards. All postcards are customized to your liking and can include a picture of your book cover.


Bookmarks are a great way for you to promote your book. You can hand them out at speaking engagements and book signings/events, and include them in press kits for the media. Also, you can send bookmarks as gifts to fans that write you about your book. All bookmarks are full color and customized to your liking and can include a picture of your book cover. Our bookmarks are available in quantities of 500 for the low price of $150.00. All bookmarks are full color and customized to your liking and can include a picture of your book cover.


You can use posters to promote an upcoming book signing/event. All posters are full color and customized to your liking and can include a picture of your book cover. Ten full color posters (measuring 11x17) are printed with your marketing information for $125.00 in addition to the publishing plan you choose.

If you have any questions about our Marketing Guide, please contact us to speak with one of our representatives.