Now you are ready to publish! Before we get started, you will need to make sure you complete the following directions. Remember, upon receipt of your manuscript, it will take 2-4 weeks to complete your book.

Manuscript. Make sure you have your entire manuscript, including table of contents, available in electronic form. We ask that this be in MSWORD or a compatible text-based program.

REMEMBER: Wasteland Press is a full-service press, so we don't expect you to submit a book fully formatted. These templates are simply used to estimate how many pages your book will be and are not necessary to submit your book. For those of you who have the technical know-how to format your book, please use these templates to guide you on our technical requirements.

Contact information: Please include full name, physical address, phone number, and 2 working e-mails. Please indicate which e-mail is your primary and secondary e-mail. If you are planning to send in check or money order, all information needed will be listed on your order form.

Photos and Cover Concept: This is optional; however, some writers like to design their own covers. Of course, we ask there be certain restrictions on images, such as all photo files must be 300dpi (pixels/inch) or above and all cover concepts must be coherent in style and layout.

Payment: Your total costs for this plan is $1995.00 (20-125 page book). Please click below for the payment method you want to use:

International Payments: All international customers must make sure their check or money order is made payable in US funds only. We do not accept Western Union or any other electronic money transfers.

Submit Your Manuscript: Once payment is made, please send your manuscript via e-mail to our editors here. If you are paying with check or money order, please mail your manuscripts on a disk or flash drive along with your order form and paperwork.

Submit Your Cover Art: If you have a cover concept and have pictures pertaining to your cover art, please e-mail (must be separate from manuscript) any material to our editors at Wasteland Press. If the file size is greater then 15 MB in size, please let us know and we can make other arrangements.

Congratulations on choosing our Ultimate Plan! You will be contacted within the next 24 hours via e-mail. Thank you and we look forward to working with you!