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1) Title and Author Name of Book
2) Full Delivery address including phone number for delivery purposes
3) Number of copies you would like to order

Below we have provided a summary of price ranges based on the number of pages in your book and the number of books you will order. Please note: the prices quoted below do not include the additional charges of shipping and state tax. We will provide the total costs via invoice once we receive your e-mail request for your order.

Black & White Interior Paperback Copies

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Color Interior Paperback Copies

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Black & White Interior Hardback Copies

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Please remember that all print orders normally take two weeks to ship from the time of your order. During peak season (October to December), print times can take as much as 2-3 weeks. Shipping varies between UPS, USPS, and other delivery systems. We always ask that you order at least a month in advance if you have an upcoming event, reading, or signing. Please e-mail us at if you have any further questions or concerns about the turnaround time for printing your book.

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